Susan Root

About Miss Susan

  • I live with my husband, Jamie, and my children, Kaitlyn and Emily, in Thomaston, CT.

  • I like to watch my  daughters play sports.  Basketball is my favorite sport to watch them play.

  •  My favorite food is chicken parm.

  • My favorite color is green, but I like all colors!

  • I love to read.

  • I love teaching Preschool!

Teacher: Susan Root

Contact information: 
Email Susan Root

(860) 379 - 2729 ext. 202


65 Ripley Hill Road
Barkhamsted, CT 06063


A.M. Preschool Class  - 9:00 - 11:30

P.M.  Preschool Class -  12:30 - 3:00

Class Schedule


Children are learning ...

Arrival/Items in cubbies/Hand washing

to independently complete the morning/afternoon routine as they arrive.

Circle Time

to take part in literacy, math, science, and social studies skill lessons.  We will display/assign classroom jobs, complete literacy work, check the weather, and update the calendar.

Music and Movement/Singing

to participate in songs, rhymes, instruments, and the use of gross motor equipment.  Through music we learn language, phonemic awareness, math, music, social skills, and gross motor skills.

Learning​ ​Centers

to plan time, to decide who they want to play with, and what they want to play with.  Our centers are art, blocks, cars/trucks/trains, dramatic play, fine motor, math and science, reading, sensory table, and writing

Clean up/Tricky Questions

to work with each other to clean up the items played with during centers and to gather on the rug to answer questions pertaining to patterning, rhyming, number and letter identification, etc.


to gather their snack/drink, find their placemat, wash hands, and engage in conversations with peers and adults.

Literacy/Read Aloud

to listen and attend while the teacher reads a book/text.  Students share, join in, make meaning, and make connections to building reading comprehension, book knowledge, and/or phonemic awareness.  We may do connecting activities (Charts, graphs, songs, etc.) to build oral language, social skills, science/math concepts, and various literacy skills.

Outdoor/Indoor Gross Motor Activity

to engage in various gross motor activities on the playground or in the gym to practice and develop gross motor skills. 

End​ ​of​ ​Day​ ​Meeting

to discuss the day by sharing what activities the children chose to participate in and who they played with.

Transition​ ​to​ ​home

to gather belongings, put on coats and hats (when appropriate), and line up to walk outside to the dismissal area.

Specials - Music, Library

The children attend Music and Library lessons each week.  The preschool staff provides the specialist with support. in completing lessons.

Class Resources

Preschool Screening

The SSIPP is an integrated preschool program serving the needs of children ages 3 to 5 in the towns of Barkhamsted, Colebrook, Hartland and Norfolk.  The program is located at the Barkhamsted School and follows the Barkhamsted School calendar.

A screening will be offered in March for parents who have concerns regarding their child’s development.  The screening process helps to identify children who may need intervention to perform successfully in school.  Identified children will qualify to become a participant in the Shared Services Preschool Program.  

Parents who are interested in having their child attend Shared Services Integrated Preschool Program as a role model student must also attend the preschool screening.  In the event that there are more applicants than slots, a lottery will be held.

To be eligible for the program, children must live in Barkhamsted, Colebrook, Hartland, or Norfolk, be age 3 by September 1st, and must have attended the screening.  The lottery will be held within a week of the screening and parents will be notified of lottery results.

Please call the Preschool Program before 9:00 A.M. or after 3:00 P.M. at 860-379-2729 ext. 7 to schedule a screening for your child.  Applications for the preschool program will be available at the screening.