Social Emotional Wellness

Dear Parent,

During these uncertain times, it is important for your children to feel safe and protected at home. Please know that we are here to support our school community as we manage our feelings about COVID-19 and the changes it brings to our everyday lives. We hope to share some ideas for constructive ways in which our students can manage the mix of emotions they are experiencing about the sudden changes to their daily routines, social connections, and learning. The Barkhamsted School uses the RULER approach and tools for social emotional learning, please visit our RULER SUPPORTS page for more information. Know that we are available to provide individualized support and can be contacted by email:

Melissa Duksis, School Social Worker - Email Melissa Duksis

Paula Dest, School Psychologist - Email Paula Dest

If you are need of immediate assistance for a mental health concern, or a worried about your safety or the safety of a loved one, please call 9-1-1 or 2-1-1.